Falls Information - Public

Falls can happen to everyone but, as we get older, the likelihood of a trip or stumble increases. However, these kinds of falls are not an inevitable part of getting older. This website provides basic advice to Lincolnshire residents about the simple steps we can take to reduce risk. This website should not be treated as a substitute for medical advice from your GP or other medical professionals.

Staying active

Keeping physically active will help you stay independent and lead the sort of life you want to. Even light activities such as gardening or walking the dog support your health and promote muscle strength.

NHS website provides information and advice on physical activity for adults aged 65 and over. There are also useful videos and exercise routines to follow. For example:

To find the activities in your local area visit the 'Connect 2 support' website. If you have long term conditions (for example heart disease, diabetes or depression) you may qualify to receive free support and advice from 'One You Lincolnshire' programme.

Helpful websites - national


Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents is a place with more information on safety including preventative steps that can be taken to avoid falls. 


Making your home safer

Over half of all falls occur in the home. Clutter, trailing cables, loose rugs or poor lighting can significantly increase a risk of accident. Make simple modifications such as changing light fittings, adding grab bars in the bathroom, a second handrail on stairs, and non -slip paint on outdoor steps.

Wellbeing Lincs provide small aids and can make adaptations, with dedicated staff to deliver and install any equipment. Fees may apply.


Helpful websites - local


Visit Age UK | Lincoln & South Lincolnshire to find out about local help and advice, services that you may benefit from and more.

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Connect to Support Lincolnshire page provides with guidance on how to stay safe at home and prevent accidents.




Resident section in One You website contains tips on healthy eating, weight management and physical activity (see blog) which can help to stay fit and well, preventing falls as a consequence.

Seeking further help and advice

Having ongoing health conditions such as heart disease, history of a stroke, diabetes, arthritis (especially in your back, hips, knees or feet) increases your risk of experiencing a fall.

If you have fallen in the past year or felt increasingly unsteady on your feet you should mention this to your GP or other health professional who may offer you a referral for a falls risk assessment with a trained person.

Some medication can make you feel weak or dizzy.  If you are taking four or more medications, (especially medicines for things like high blood pressure, sleeping tablets, anti-depressants and strong painkillers) ask your GP or pharmacist to review your medication regularly.

Useful resources

 Get up and Go booklet contains a checklist that helps you to decide whether you're at risk. There's also advice on how you can reduce your chances of having a fall and how to get up safely from the floor.


Staying Steady - Age UK


See Chartered Society of Physiotherapy for information on:

Trips and falls

Falls and fragility fractures

Rehabilitation exercises